Elenco di 30 possibili sottoargomenti relativi alle reti neurali provenienti da una fonte affidabile per la prova scritta. Questo elenco non contiene sottoargomenti sulla parte precedente alle reti neurali. - formal expressiveness of NN - epoch, minibatch - learning rate - loss function - optimizer, learning rate - backpropagation algorithm - vanishing gradient problem - activation functions - overfitting - cross-entropy and KL ------------------------------------------------- - convolutional layers - transposed convolution - dilated convolution - transfer learning - gradient ascent technique - why NN are easily fooled? - NNs for image processing - U-net - YOLO - parameters and FLOPS for convolutions ------------------------------------------------- - Autoencoder - GAN - Cycle-GAN - VAE - Conditional Generation - LSTM - Attention - Transformer - Reinforcement Learning - Difference between model-based and model-free approaches - Bellman equation